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Security Configuration

The security config options are: Public Key, Private Key, Admin Key, Is Managed, Serial Console, Debug Logs, and Admin Channel.

Security Config Values

Public Key

Acceptable values: bytes

The public key of the device, shared with other nodes on the mesh to allow them to compute a shared secret key for secure communication.

Private Key

Acceptable values: bytes

The private key of the device, used to create a shared key with a remote device for secure communication.This key should be kept confidential.

Admin Key

Acceptable values: repeated bytes

The public key(s) authorized to send administrative messages to this node. Only messages signed by these keys will be accepted for administrative control.

Managed Mode

Acceptable values: true or false

Enabling Managed Mode restricts access to all radio configurations via client applications. Radio configurations will only be accessible through the Admin channel. Ensure the Admin channel is functioning properly before enabling this mode to avoid being locked out.

Serial Console

Acceptable values: true or false

Disabling this will prevent the Serial Console from initializing the Stream API.

Debug Log

Acceptable values: true or false

By default, logging is disabled when an API client connects to keep the shared serial link quiet. Set this to true to continue outputting live debug logs over serial or Bluetooth when the API is active.

Admin Channel Enabled

Acceptable values: true or false

Allows incoming device control over the insecure legacy admin channel. Enabling this option permits control messages to be received through the older, less secure admin channel.

Device Config Client Availability


All Security config options are available on iOS, iPadOS and macOS at Settings > Radio Configuration > Security.