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RAK WisBlock Screens

There are currently two different screens supported by the RAK WisBlock system:

RAK1921 OLED Display

The RAK1921 OLED display is a 0.96 inch monochrome display.

  • 0.96 inch OLED display
  • Resolution 128 x 64 pixels
  • I2C interface

This item requires soldering. Similar modules are widely available from other suppliers, but do check the boards as some have the VDD and GND pins swapped round. This will prevent directly soldering the display to the baseboard. The preferred order is VDD, GND, SCL, SDA. If pin ordering on the OLED board are swapped, there are some tricks to allow either reconfiguring the pins of the OLED via soldered jumpers, or by carefully soldering wire for those pins that are out-of-sequence. The final option is to use longer wires between the board and display, which permits re-ordering the wires as required.


0.96 inch OLED display