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Network Configuration

The Network config options are: NTP Server, WiFi Enabled, WiFi SSID, WiFi PSK, Ethernet Enabled, IPv4 Networking Mode, Static Address rsyslog Server, and Protocol Flags. Network config uses an admin message sending a Config.Network protobuf.


Enabling WiFi will disable Bluetooth. Only one connection method will work at a time.

ESP32 devices have the ability to connect to WiFi as a client. SoftAP mode is not supported by the Meshtastic firmware.

Network Config Values

NTP Server

The NTP server used if IP networking is available.

Set to by default. (Max Length: 32)

WiFi Enabled

Enables or Disables WiFi.

Set to false (Disabled) by default.


This is your WiFi Network's SSID.

Empty "" by default. (Case Sensitive, Max Length: 32)


This is your WiFi Network's password.

Empty "" by default. (Case Sensitive, Max Length: 64)

Ethernet Enabled

Enables or Disables Ethernet.

Set to false (Disabled) by default.

IPv4 Networking Mode

Set to DHCP by default. Change to STATIC to use a static IP address. Applies to both Ethernet and WiFi.

IPv4 Static Address configuration

Contains IP, Gateway, Subnet, and DNS server for a static configuration if selected in Networking Mode.

Rsyslog Server

To configure an rsyslog Server and Port

Protocol Flags

Defines which auxiliary network protocols are used to send packets. Values are stored as a bit field of boolean configuration options (bitwise OR of ProtocolFlags).

NO_BROADCASTDo not broadcast packets over any network protocol
UDP_BROADCASTEnable broadcasting packets via UDP over the local network

The first time your device restarts after enabling WiFi or Ethernet, it will take an additional 20-30 seconds to boot. This is to generate self-signed SSL keys. The keys will be saved for future reuse.

Network Config Client Availability



All Network config options are available on iOS, iPadOS and macOS at Settings > Device Configuration > Network.


WiFi Client

With network.wifi_ssid & network.wifi_psk populated, the device will know to connect to your network. Make sure you are in range of your WiFi and it is a 2.4GHz-only network. If you have a single Meshtastic device on your local network it's easy to connect to your device with DNS http://meshtastic.local. If you have multiple Meshtastic devices you will need to connect using their respective IP addresses.

Disable WiFi

To disable WiFi completely, set network.wifi_enabled to false.