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Channel Configuration

The Channels config options are: Index, Roles, and Settings. Channel config uses an admin message sending a Channel protobuf which also consists of a ChannelSettings or ModuleSettings protobuf.


Channel Settings (as described on this page) should not be confused with Modem Preset Settings

Modem Preset Settings contain the modem configuration (frequency settings, spreading factor, bandwidth, etc.) used for the LoRa radio. These settings are identical for all channels and can not be unique per channel.

Channel Settings contain information for segregating message groups, configuring optional encryption, and enabling or disabling messaging over internet gateways. These settings are unique and configurable per channel.

Channel Config Values


The channel index begins at 0 and ends at 7.

Indexing can not be modified.

IndexChannelDefault RolePurpose
01PRIMARYUsed as default channel
12DISABLEDUser defined
23DISABLEDUser defined
34DISABLEDUser defined
45DISABLEDUser defined
56DISABLEDUser defined
67DISABLEDUser defined
78DISABLEDUser defined

You can not have DISABLED channels in-between active channels such as PRIMARY and SECONDARY. Active channels must be consecutive.


Each channel is assigned one of 3 roles:

  1. PRIMARY or 1
    • This is the first channel that is created for you on initial setup.
    • Only one primary channel can exist and can not be disabled.
    • Periodic broadcasts like position and telemetry are only sent over this channel.
  2. SECONDARY or 2
    • Can modify the encryption key (PSK).
  3. DISABLED or 0
    • The channel is no longer available for use.
    • The channel settings are set to default.

While you can have a different PRIMARY channel and communicate over SECONDARY channels with the same Name & PSK, a hash of the PRIMARY channel's name sets the LoRa frequency slot, which determines the actual frequency you are transmitting on in the band. To ensure devices with different PRIMARY channel name transmit on the same frequency, you must explicitly set the LoRa frequency slot.

Channel Settings Values

The Channel Settings options are: Name, PSK, Downlink Enabled, and Uplink Enabled. Channel settings are embedded in the Channel protobuf as a ChannelSettings protobuf and sent as an admin message.


A short identifier for the channel. (< 12 bytes)

Reserved NamePurpose
"" (default)If left empty on the Primary channel, this designates the default channel.
adminOn Secondary channels, the name admin (case sensitive) designates the admin channel used to administer nodes over the mesh. Note that this is a Legacy feature, see Remote Admin for details.

Matching channel names are required in order to communicate on the same channel with other devices. Example: If your device is using the channel name LongFast the device you are attempting to communicate with must also have a channel named LongFast.


The encryption key used for private channels.

Hex byte 0x01 for the Primary default channel.

Must be either 0 bytes (no crypto), 16 bytes (AES128), or 32 bytes (AES256).


Matching PSKs are required in order to communicate on the same channel with other devices. Example: If your device is using a channel with the default PSK of AQ== the device you are attempting to communicate with must also have a matching channel with the same PSK.

If enabled, messages captured from a public internet gateway will be forwarded to the local mesh.

Set to false by default for all channels.

If enabled, messages from the mesh will be sent to the public internet through any node's configured gateway.

Set to false by default for all channels.

Channel Module Settings

The channel module settings options are: position precision. Channel module settings are embedded in the Channel protobuf as a ModuleSettings protobuf and sent as an admin message.

Position Precision

The position_precision setting allows control of the level of precision for location data that is sent over a particular channel. This can be useful for privacy reasons, where obfuscating the exact location may be desired when sending position data over certain channels.

The position_precision value is an integer between 0 and 32:

  • A value of 0 means that location data is never sent over the given channel.
  • A value of 32 means that location data is sent with full precision.
  • Values in between indicate the number of bits of precision to be sent, which correspond to a position precision from the table below.
  • The public MQTT server filters out precise positions, see here for more information.
Precision bitsMetricImperial
1023.3 km14.5 miles
1111.7 km7.3 miles
125.8 km3.6 miles
132.9 km1.8 miles
141.5 km4787 feet
15729 m2392 feet
16364 m1194 feet
17182 m597 feet
1891 m299 feet
1945 m148 feet

The client applications have implemented different levels of precision giving the user a practical range to choose from. Setting across the full range of integers can be done via the Python CLI. See Setting Position Precision for examples on setting different levels of precision using CLI.

Channel Config Client Availability



A channel editor is available on the iOS, iPadOS and macOS applications at Settings > Radio Configuration > Channels.